
The Low-Wage Life of Wal-Mart Workers

Have you ever shopped at Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart advertises such low prices, but not many of us have wondered why their prices are so low. Wal-Mart can afford to have low prices due to the fact that they pay their employees under $8 dollars an hour. Wal-Mart is one of the largest companies in the world, making more than enough to pay their workers a reasonable amount, but instead they use more money on keeping their prices low and on advertisement. In my paper I discuss the issues of living the low wage life at Wal-Mart, including the lack of health care, the discrimination against women workers, the anti-union practices, and the unfair working conditions. My purpose of this website is to educate the public on the low wage life of a Wal-Mart worker with the intent that it will make people think before supporting them or buying their products. In addition, this applies to many low wage jobs. I think it is important to know where we stand with the issue, and know what our place in society is. It is also important to know the value of money and to know what it is like to live the low wage life and how we may contribute to the issue. My website can be found here:

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